The Tax Code is assigned and issued by the Revenue Agency to each Italian and foreign citizen and is calculated starting from the applicant's personal data: surname, first name, date of birth, sex as well as the cadastral code of the municipality or foreign country of birth. It may happen that two or more people have personal data such as to generate the same tax code (homocodes). In case of homocody, a new tax code is assigned to each of these persons, calculated starting from the one generated on the basis of the personal data and carrying out, within the seven numeric characters contained in the code, systematic substitutions of one or more digits starting from the one on the right, with corresponding alphabetic characters dictated by current legislation.
The application calculates the Tax Code and its 128 homocodes; it also verifies the formal correctness of the Tax Code and the VAT number but does not ensure the real existence and truthfulness of the data entered. The information provided through this application is indicative; please note that the official validity of a tax code is established exclusively by the Revenue Agency. The archive of Italian municipalities and foreign countries is updated on 6 March 2014.
To copy the calculated Tax Code to the clipboard, long touch on it, for the homocodes long touch on the list, to reset the data long touch on the basket, to calculate the homocodes long touch on the little man.
The user is required to verify the accuracy of the information provided. The author therefore declines any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies and omissions.