This is a minimalist, non-addictive, ad free game that you should play for flexing your brain or just to kill some time.
How to play
Game begins with setting a code of 4 digits. You'll be given 6 tries to figure out the code with the help from useful data you'll be provided. For every code you submit you'll get the following information.
1. C - Correct position. Number of digits in right position.
2. O - Incorrect position. Number of digits that are present in the code but not in correct position.
3. X - rong digits. These are the number of digits that should not be in the code.
Example if the code set by machine is 5126 and your guess is 4321.
C = 1 because 2 in your code is at correct position
O = 1 because 1 is in wrong position
X = 2 because 4 and 3 should not be in the code
Happy decoding!