With BüroWARE mobile vending for iPhone / iPad you can handle customer service and delivery / Befüllanforderungen the go and access orders BüroWARE anytime, anywhere.
BüroWARE mobile vending enables your field completely work through technical services and should be fully documented. You can also handle refills machines or goods supplied with the application and thus significantly improve the overall process chain. The process can be done without paper from order to invoice and to reach that manual operations can be saved in client engagements in the field. The application works both online and offline.
The main functions of the office goods mobile vending app for iPhone / iPad:
- Accept order on iPhone / iPad and beauskunften history data for machine / equipment
hold go sift orders on iPhone / iPad and travel times for customers and operating times -
- Edit order when customers collect meter readings, create positions zubuchen material, etc ...
sign electronically job as edited and finish -
To use the mobile office goods Vending app with your own company data, you need a back-end system BüroWARE ERP (vending or standard version) Version 5.4
Other features and options
- Navigation from the APP out possible through support navigation applications / optional
- Master Data display and overlay important historical data for service use
- Photo documentation uptake of photos and shipping with message
It can be out of office goods and custom database fields to BüroWARE mobile vending passed, so that so that your app is adaptable to the needs of your ERP system!