An application that allows you to visually see the work of some classical algorithms. To work with the application, you do not need to take out a sheet, pencil or calculator, just enter values, for example, an array of numbers and press a button, and the application will do all the dirty work for you and display the result in a user-friendly form.
Algorithms in the application:
- Extended Euclid algorithm (GCD Extended);
- Fast exponentiation modulo n;
- Multiplicative group of residue ring modulo n;
- RSA algorithm, namely its encryption and decryption;
- Binary search;
- Bubble sort;
- Sorting by inserts;
- Shell sort;
- Quick sort;
- Selective sorting;
In the GCDE, fast exponentiation, and multiplicative group algorithms, the result is provided in tabular form, and each element of the table can be clicked to get a detailed calculation result.
In the RSA algorithm, you can set your own values for the letters of the alphabet, encrypt and decrypt. The whole result is displayed as a small report, where you can see step by step how the word was encrypted and decrypted.
All sorting algorithms are animated and visual. You can enter your array values and run the animation and see the log at the bottom of the screen.
Binary search demonstrates how the algorithm works by visualizing looking up an element in the array you enter.
I'll leave a link here if you're interested in how the app works from the inside.
For cooperation:
All the best!