Find out what the area around you offers! See what to visit, get informed and choose between cities and countries throughout Italy. Art, entertainment, events and offers to fully enjoy the place where you are and to have an exciting and rewarding visit experience. You can build your route or choose one of those recommended or proposed, save it and share it with your friends. Inside the chosen itinerary you can find out where to stop, eat or shop. AroundUS initially shows you the city or the place where you are, but you can choose others, maybe the ones you want to visit, explore them and discover fascinating and original corners. Do you have specific passions or interests? You can choose the communities you prefer and AroundUS will only show you what you want.
- Choose a city
- Indicates the period in which you want to visit it to find events, shows and offers present during your visit.
- Indicates the radius within which you wish to have information.
- You will find Places, Events on which to have news and images or Routes already organized and recommended.
- Find out about what you want to visit and choose it to add it to your personalized route.
AroundUS will also give you various suggestions on what is present along your path.