Conveniently make reservations for classes, and enjoy plenty of fun through events.
Assist Fit provides a variety of functions necessary for exercising, such as class reservations, product payments, and events.
We will assist you with any inconveniences you may have while using our fitness service!
[main function]
* Class reservation / exercise history
You don’t have to worry about coordinating schedules with instructors via messenger. Make GX and PT reservations easily with the app.
* Center Notice/Guide
Have you been receiving notices through blogs, cafes, or meeting apps? Now, get it conveniently using the Assist Fit app.
* Events/Benefits
Use Assist Fit to receive various benefits. We provide generous benefits through various events such as 100% unconditional winning, lottery, and participation.
[customer service center]
Monday - Friday 08:00 - 17:00