The Commodity Price and Product Information System (SiHaTi) was inaugurated by the Governor of Central Java, as the director of TPID, in March 2013.
SiHaTi was built to answer the task of TPID which has been stipulated in the Decree of the Governor of Central Java No. 500/37 of 2013. One of the tasks of the TPID stated in the Governor's Decree is to submit reports on the implementation of the tasks of the Provincial and Regency/City Inflation Control Teams to the Minister of Home Affairs through the Directorate General of Regional Development.
The purpose of launching SiHaTi is to provide a comprehensive and easily accessible information media, to support the implementation of the tasks of local governments/related agencies, to provide more accurate information to the public so as to create positive expectations, as well as a medium of communication between TPID members up to the Regency/City level.