Bashiru Ayandiran
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Very good app. One small thing however, is that you need to improve on the Heggira Calendar.
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🔴🔴 we need persistent notification of the upcoming next prayer so we can see it on lockscreen without unlock the cellphone
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Mohammad Abdullah Yousafzai
Assalamoalaikome. Please note correction. A big mistake in the Evening duaas. Page no. 9/14. ھذہ لیلتہ ۔not. ھذا لیلتہ Because the word لیلتہ۔ is feminun.مونث۔۔ I have reported many times but no correction. Thanks. Abdullah yousafzai.
2 people found this review helpful
Assalmou Alaykoum, Thank you for reporting this, we will correct it in the next update.