Azad Haddam Banna'
Too much ads, well, u know what I mean, it's like those repetitive "games" but the purpose is to u get an ads every 10s Each stage always cost u 15s, and u get ads for 10s Congrats if u still download it, u get 66% of gameplay of an ads :D Even if u didn't choose extra reward from each stage, u'll always get an ads, 5s skipable but u can't close it for another 5s The only good thing is, this game have a good grafic and a little different from other games
27 people found this review helpful
5 star game ruined by greed, 1st thing.... Required permeant WiFi is some grade A s**t... So I can't play this if my WiFi goes out... Awesome, but what really takes you from a 5 star game all the way down to 1 is the ads, why ask if I want to watch an ad to get extra rewards if when I say no you show me ads anyway, I've played your game maybe 5mins and watched 10mins of ads.... That's utter garbage, you've ruined your own game, congratulations
18 people found this review helpful
Ads, to the point of it being annoying. Even when choose no thanks you still get ads. Doesn't work without internet (so normal blocking internet connection to block ads doesn't work) Don't waste your time as most of it will be on ads.
34 people found this review helpful