# Android Application for Mr Mohammed Faisal Academy
This Android application is designed for students of Mr Mohammed Faisal Academy. The application offers a variety of features to help students access course materials and complete assignments.
## Features
- **Recorded Videos Listing**: Students can easily access a list of all recorded videos from their courses.
- **Assignments Listing**: Students can view a list of all assignments assigned by their course instructor.
- **Homework Listing**: Students can view a list of all homework assigned by their course instructor.
- **MCQ Assignments:** Students can solve multiple choice questions (MCQ) assignments directly from the application.
- **Homework Uploads:** Students can upload their homework solutions directly from the application.
## Login Requirement
Access to all features is restricted to students who have an account with Mr Mohammed Faisal Academy. Students must log in using their email and password to access the application.
## Conclusion
Overall, the Android application for Mr Mohammed Faisal Academy is helpful for students looking to access course materials and complete assignments. The application's user-friendly interface and convenient features make it easy for students to stay on top of their coursework.