A Google user
downloaded from an ad that said "harder than it looks," and well after playing for an hour or two i can confirm it is in fact easier than it looks. Every stage any obstacles you could crash into are tucked off to the edge while all the snow is in the middle. you have no reason to go anywhere near anything that you could crash into. there was maybe a few stages where obstacles were scattered around but again no snow around them.
90 people found this review helpful

A Google user
As almost everyone mentioned that too many adds. Silly part is sometimes when it asks for add and you do not choose, still gets redirected to see add. i couldn't see any review stating that the levels are getting repeated. I am at level 65 and there are many levels which I would have played 6-7 times. Nothing new when you level up, difficulty too remains the same. Apart from these issues it is a great game...
224 people found this review helpful