Will the next traffic light turn green in a few seconds? Passing through or braking? Would you rather drive a little slower to avoid braking completely? Or let it roll out because it still takes a while until the green? And when exactly will it be green again?
Trafficpilot, the driving assistance app from GEVAS software, helps in such situations. The app supports driving in the car and on the bike.
The trafficpilot service is currently available in Düsseldorf, Frankfurt am Main, Kassel, Salzburg and Vienna (map at https://trafficpilot.eu). Other areas are in preparation.
traffic pilot
• shows the right speed to stay in the green wave
• visualizes when it will turn green again
• prevents unnecessary stops
• reduces fuel consumption & emissions
• offers modes for car & bike
• enables relaxed and smoother driving through the city
The app uses current position data to display red-green forecasts for the next traffic light. The prognosis is laid out as a red-green carpet over the road displayed. The color around the central arrow symbol indicates whether the next traffic light is red or green. The coloring in the upper and lower area is the prognosis if you would drive a little faster or a little slower.
At a stop, the view switches and shows the expected time until the traffic light changes to green above the stop line. If the voice output is activated, a note will be given a few seconds before the start of green.