In the I love Zugló application you have the opportunity to view the public tree and park cadastre of the Municipality of Zugló.
Navigate to the place of interest on the map, then click on the points, lines or surfaces representing the cadastral elements on the map to open the data sheet. On the data sheets you can find out information about the selected cadastral element, as well as view the photos.
To support navigation, we have built-in a detailed search engine:
-the tree cadastre can search by tree species, based on both Hungarian and Latin names
-the park cadastre allows you to search by categories organized into groups
As a result of both searches, you will see the location of all cadastral items that match the search on the map.
You have the option to report an error for each tree and park cadastral element (such as a damaged tree, a damaged bench, etc.), which you can start by clicking the Report an Error button on the data sheet for that element. If you want to make a general error report, then click on the appropriate button on the map, then you can start the report in a designated place on the map instead of a specific cadastral element. Error reports are handled by the employees of Zuglói Városgazdálkodási Közszolgáltató Zrt.