Collaboration platform between health specialists, Santé 2.0 program. Platform based on sparkspaceTM aimed at supporting the Santé 2.0 program of Fundación Recover and which facilitates collaboration between specialists from African and Spanish Centers for diagnosis support, as a fundamental service. The platform provides additional elements that facilitate the formation and dissemination of knowledge as well as the communication of the specialists who are collaborating in the program (African Centers, Recover Foundation coordinators, Spanish volunteer medical specialists).
Based on a collaborative environment on which specific services have been configured for the start-up of diagnostic support solutions (asynchronous communication), it allows a network of interconnected doctors to facilitate a quick and consensual diagnosis, supplying the absence of means and specialists.
This collaborative and communication network also facilitates the dissemination of knowledge. In addition, as a collaborative environment, the platform allows the creation of working groups where users can participate openly and leave opinions, discuss with other users and upload videos, images or documents that favor the exchange of information among users who are immersed in the Santé 2.0 program.
Users can also communicate directly with each other and in real time thanks to the instant messaging service offered by the platform, where notifications will be received when a user wants to contact us.