Daniel Daugherty
Many good features make this easier to do than if you had a printed puzzle and were using pencil. One of the best is that an entered number lights red if it's the wrong number. This lets you correct yourself before one error generates others. Another is the ability to quickly highlight all the cells in the puzzle that contain a given number. Of course other apps may have these same features.8
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Slobodan Dzeletovic
Not bad, but for a "premium" app it certainly lacks a lot of QoL features. For example, if I make notes, and then write a number, related notes are not removed. Or making notes could be easier by select number, make it a note and then click all fields where you want to put note. Option to higlight all same numbers so you can see them easier.
Steven B
Moving or disappearing the backspace button and note buttons are so annoying that 8t makes this the most irritating versions of sudoku I've ever played. I would so much rather have the button be disabled or greyed out instead because I have hit backspace and deleted my notes so many times in just the first couple of tries I give up and am not even going to play one full game. I think the developer should have actually tried out playing this game and have the numbers buttons randomly disappear...
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