Michael (hellhound411)
Good but buggy. Tone down the difficulty!! Couple glitches like it will activate effects but no way to resolve them or cancel. Like to reduce a digivolution but there are no cards that digivolved on the field. It just freezes unable to cancel out. A bunch of visual artifacts that can get in the way on the edges of the screen. Sometimes the cards won't register when you try to place them so you can drag them onto the field but it just return to the hand. Not bad if you have 4 or less cards.
Drew Adkins
Fun game. Very well designed. Tutorial app shows that the game has an engine that can manage all the rules and cards etc. There's clearly a big demand. Really sad we don't have a digimon TCG online mode. I have no one to play with, and several friends who would gladly get involved if we could play together. This is a massive waste of a well constructed asset. A seasonal gamepasd would make this more than viable.
15 people found this review helpful
Mandy Mandell
I've been trying to find Digimon cards locally and have had no luck finding starter decks or booster packs. I saw that there was a tutorial app on the Play Store, and was excited to give the game a try. The app holds your hand pretty well in terms of teaching you how to play the game. It features the 3 original starter decks you can purchase (if you're lucky) in real life, and you can only play against AI. Despite how basic it is, it served its purpose, and I found myself playing many more times after I had completed the tutorial. It would be cool if they add future starter decks, or create an entire web client similar to MTG, Pokemon, or YGO. Overall I love the game, and hope I can play in real life soon!
149 people found this review helpful