What is severance pay?
- Severance pay is an amount paid when an employee retires after working for a certain period of time.
This means paying a certain amount of money to people who have difficulty generating income.
Based on the Labor Standards Act, severance pay is calculated as the average wage of more than 30 days for each year of continuous employment.
- So you can't put off calculating severance pay for yourself, right?
# Complicated severance pay calculations can now be easily and conveniently solved with a calculator!
- All you have to do is conveniently enter a few pieces of information in the app, such as the date of employment, date of resignation, and salary received in the last three months.
Severance pay is easily calculated!
Don't make complicated calculations any more and calculate comfortably with the app!
# How to calculate average wages, bonuses, and annual leave allowance at a glance
- Are you trying to input the average wage, bonus, or annual leave allowance but don't know exactly? Do not worry!
I also wrote down how to calculate it in the app.
Don't go through the hassle of searching and solve everything at once with the app!
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※ This app does not represent the government or government agencies.
※ This app was created to provide quality information, and we assume no responsibility.
※ Source: https://www.moel.go.kr/index.do