Nightclaw 4032
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If you're looking for Rope 'N' Fly 3 Dusk 'Til Dawn, this is the next best thing. It's pretty much what you'd expect if you made Spider-Man a "multiplayer" game. What would make this better is WEB/ROPE COLORS! I want to change my rope/web's color because I'm tired of the plain black string. Other than that, maybe add web-zip boosts, kind of like a mini-boost that launches you from the ground. Also, some guy named PeetrBarkr keeps stealing my wins. Could you fix that?
A Google user
At first, the game was fine, tons of ads, but fine. THEN, after I got an ad, the bar ads started popping up in the middle of my screen DURING a race! I'd hit X, and it's would stay there for a bit saying, "ad closed by Google" It would after a few seconds... Leave! BUT A FEW SECONDS LATER IT CAME RIGHT BACK WITH AN AD AND THE CYCLE RESTARTED!!!
1 person found this review helpful
James Dunn
This is definitely one of my all time favorite Android games! I you might love 💘 shooting webs as you swing adventurously on them toward a finish line, with four or five opponents (with one being eliminated each round), as I do, you may get hooked on this artful & skill requiring super~human racing game. I hardly tire of it now that I have reached the highly skilled level of game master. I really loved even the challenging period of developing timing, struggling, and learning.😅
30 people found this review helpful