e-Outing is a dedicated platform for the investigation of the history department of Tong Guohua Middle School of Queen Elizabeth High School Old Student Association. This platform assists teachers during the inspection period, allows students to unlock relevant inspection tasks step by step, guides students to complete the inspection independently, and consolidates the historical understanding of the inspection site. Through well-designed tasks, students can deepen their understanding of different history topics and consolidate their knowledge of the content of history courses.
The design of e-Outing aims at "self-directed learning", "electronic survey" and "care for different learning abilities". During the inspection, students can easily read the original historical materials through this platform, investigate the situation at the same time, and then respond to different types of questions. The teacher can also instantly understand the progress of the student's inspection and provide timely feedback.
History is all around us, from intangible cultural traditions to tangible relics. Today's life is the accumulation of past history. I hope that students will have a new experience in learning "history."