Do you already know our new tool My Portfolio Rankia? Now you can create your own portfolio with play money to check your system for investing in stocks, ETFs and investment funds as well as evaluating the history of your operations. This tool will allow you to better understand your portfolio is well diversified know if what is the tendency of your return and what assets could help you improve it. You can also consult investment ideas based on your risk profile.
Tools 'My Portfolio'
2. Return vs Risk
3. model Wallets
4. Market Opportunities
5. User reviews
6. My Profile
What I know from my portfolio and how to improve my strategy?
1. Diagnose My Portfolio
2. Information on businesses: Graphics, trends, cycle phase, risk-return ...
3. My research - Action List index
How to plan my financial goals?
-Planifica to "My Goals" My Investment Planning
-planning to buy a home, studios, car rental and / or health
You want to plan your retirement? With My Portfolio possible