We are a library specialized in customs, tax and other institutional tasks. Our collection is based on printed and digital books, specialized magazines, databases and Institutional Repository.
Provides services on:
- Search in the Online Catalog.
- Home loan
- Bibliographic news: The latest acquisitions of the library are published.
- Reference and consultation: Bibliographic information is provided through the email biblioteca@sunat.gob.pe
- Digital books and magazines: We have a collection with more than 200 digital books of the latest editions on foreign trade, taxation, administration, law, among others, from national and foreign publishers. Specialized magazines such as: Business News, Tax Analysis, Accountants and Companies, The World Bank Economic Review.
- Databases and digital platforms: We have PERU TOP 10 THOUSAND, DIME BUSINESS DIRECTORY, GALILEO OF ECONOMY AND FINANCE, WCO HARMONIZED SYSTEM and AUDITOOL. Access the databases from the institutional intranet and/or at the library premises:
- EBSCO Contains full-text academic journals in different study areas such as law, administration, science, among others.
- OECD It is an online library of the Organization for Economic Development Contains books, articles and statistics, as well as analysis and other data from the OECD.
- LEGIS Legal portal that offers electronic publications that compile and order all the regulations. Here you can find articles, comments, practical cases, document models, among others.
- SPIJ Peruvian Legal Information System, contains: Political Constitution, codes, civil procedures, criminal procedures, Organic Laws, Laws from 1904 to date, published in the Official Gazette El Peruano among others.
- IBFD Virtual platform that links information on tax treaties from different countries and includes international tax regulations at different levels of depth, allows research and actions related to international taxation.
- Institutional Repository: SUNAT's academic and research production can be found HERE
- Reprography: Scanned copies are provided to internal and external users (maximum 30 pages) of books and magazines, request them at: biblioteca@sunat.gob.pe