Welcome to Wiz.me! Your personal assistant that offers practice in the four communicative skills in the English language: speaking, listening, writing and reading. With Wiz.me you can scan objects and phrases and find out their correspondence in English. You can also challenge your colleagues in a question and answer game in English!! And there's much more!! Run now to a Wizard by Pearson unit and register to have access to the most used English personal assistant in Brazil! Come be part of our Bilingual nation!
Notification Session: Wiz.me has a notification area that shows you everything that is happening as your classes progress.
Zero Class: introductory class that prepares you to make the most of the Wizard by Pearson teaching experience.
Test Time: set of preparatory questions for international certification tests in English.
Diagnosis: diagnostic questionnaire to better understand the specificities of each of our students.
Diagnosis Pre and Diagnosis Post: English test that measures your proficiency progress after completing your levels at Wizard. Track your learning progression!
Speaking Practice: activities with voice recognition for you to practice your pronunciation and fluency.
Pictionary: set of images to help you identify new words and enrich your vocabulary.
Voice Command and Audio Pack: Access the Audio Pack via voice command. In the Audio Pack you will find all the audio content of your course.
Class Prep: activities you do before starting the day's lesson to prepare and enhance your learning.
Homework: home exercises focusing on listening comprehension and written production skills that will help you consolidate the content taught during class.
Extra Activities: selection of varied exercises to be worked on before and after classes, assisting in the learning process.
Videos: There and Around and Dubbing sections with videos of everyday situations connected to the themes covered in the material.
Recording: Record dialogue, listen to your recording, and practice speaking and listening skills in an interactive and fun way.
Object & Word Scan: use your cell phone's camera to scan phrases and objects and see the translation.
Calendar Reminder: calendar to keep you informed about everything that happens at your school, know your attendance and homework assignments, for example.
Self-Assessment: do you feel comfortable with what you studied or did you feel like you lacked a little more? Fill out the Self-assessment so we can understand how you feel.
Memory: with the click of a button, go straight back to the lesson you opened the last time you accessed the application.
World News: a series of news in English to increase your exposure to the language and make you an expert at reading English.
What’s next?: notification to keep you informed about what will be covered in the next block of lessons.
Adaptive Notifications: notifications that guide you to what should be done after completing each step within Wiz.me.
Wizard Clash: general knowledge quiz game, all in English, so you can challenge your colleague or another student from anywhere in Brazil to improve your knowledge of the language in a fun way.
Discover the new version of Wiz.me: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=br.com.wizard.newwizme&pli=1