Who does not know the gambus music group El-Balasyik from Jember. El-Balasyik is one of the most well-known music groups with vocalist Mustofa Abdullah
For the last 15 years, a music group based in Surabaya has never been absent at the Maulid assembly held by Habib Luthfi bin Yahya at Kanzus Sholawat Pekalongan. The Birthday of the Prophet which was held by Habib Luthfi bin Yahya always presents a variety of religious and national nuanced treats with cultural offerings that are well known to the public. At the birthday of the prophet, which was held by Habib Lutfi, the religious nuances were quite thick, such as the wedding of the maulid, khotmil quran, ratibul kubra reading, dalailul khairat and the reading of the maulid simtud durar. The nuances of nationality include red and white parades and red and white apples as well as national gatherings of ulama, TNI and Polri. While the cultural nuances featured amulet display parade and El-Balasyik musical performances.