Eureka automatically creates crossword puzzles from a database with over 10,000 questions and thus offers endless puzzle fun!
You can specify the size of the crossword puzzle and what categories and levels of difficulty it should be built up from to suit your preferences.
- Create crossword puzzles in a few seconds
- over 10,000 questions
- three levels of difficulty
- 14 categories (general, literature, sports, history, music, film and television, nature, art, proverbs, IT and computers, astronomy and space travel, geography, mythology, science)
- all questions cross each other (i.e. each letter is part of a horizontal and a vertical question)
- Help functions: previous entries can be checked, letters revealed and alternative questions displayed
- Share puzzles: after you have solved a puzzle, you can send it to your friends
In addition to the existing questions, question packages can be purchased. When purchasing a package, the advertisements are automatically switched off.