Since 1985, Drama Kids and our global partner, Helen O’Grady Children’s Drama Academy, have been igniting confidence and creativity in kids with our innovative drama program. Through lively, fast-paced activities, we help kids shine by enhancing their speaking, acting, and social skills in the most exciting way!
With over 50,000 students in 1,500 locations worldwide, including the U.S., Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Southeast Asia, and Europe, our program's success is undeniable. In the U.S. alone, more than 10,000 students join us each year! We offer thrilling classes for ages 4-17, featuring over 450 unique lessons that grow with your child, from preschool to high school, without ever repeating!
Our focus is on building confidence, creativity, and communication skills, with a fun, stress-free end-of-year showcase. We also offer summer camps packed with drama and adventure for all ages!
The Drama Kids app makes staying connected easy for parents. Find class and camp details, register quickly, and reach out to our friendly team with any questions—all at your fingertips!
Ready to join the fun or find a new time and place? Our app lets you explore all the exciting classes and camps we offer by time, day, location, and age group. You can easily register for a spot or join the waitlist if a class is full. And don't worry—our app always has the latest info, so you won't miss a thing!
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