1401 calendar Android app
Iran's clock and calendar, Sharia times in different parts of Iran, events of the day and conversion of solar date to Gregorian
The above Persian calendar is in accordance with the Iranian calendar and includes the solar Hijri calendar and national, religious, world occasions and official holidays and the Gregorian and lunar calendar with weekdays up to 1401 and after.
Normally, Iran's current date and calendar 1401 (year 1401) are displayed with events and holidays according to the country's official calendar, and by changing the year and month, you can see the calendar of other years and months.
Some features of the Iranian calendar program 1401:
- Solar, Gregorian and lunar calendars
- Support for Farsi, Kurdish, Azeri, Gikli, Pashto, Dari, Arabic, and English languages
- Ability to quickly browse the calendar and move between months
- Show official holidays of Iran
- Smart widget and display of religious hours and times
- The possibility of talkback, suitable for the blind
- Possibility of converting solar date to Gregorian and vice versa (converting Gregorian date to solar)
- Supporting Iran and Afghanistan events and international events, selectively
- Stable history notification bar that can be removed through settings
- Islamic times and Qiblah that can be used by setting the city in the program settings
- By long pressing on the days, you can add an event to the Google calendar on the phone
- Qiblah, compass and professional stopwatch
The months of Iran's solar calendar are:
April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, February, March.
The names of the months in the Persian calendar of Afghanistan are based on the constellations and coincide with the months of the Iranian calendar and are:
Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
The length of the Gregorian calendar is 365 days in normal years and 366 days in leap years, and a year in the Gregorian calendar consists of 12 months.
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
In most countries that have adopted the Gregorian calendar, Sunday is the last day of the week.
This app uses location access to find your place so that the voice prayer assistant can work at the correct time.
Guide to setting up the correct functioning of the 401 calendar:
1- To display Sharia times, open the program menu and select the program settings option, go to the third page and enter your location or city where you live so that it can be displayed for you.
2- By long pressing on the days, you can add an event to the Google calendar on the phone
3- The persistent date notification bar that can be removed through the settings
4- To display Qibla direction in the search section, you must specify your place of residence in the program settings