Stay up to date with the latest Anime, read its synopsis, release dates, latest news and more.
Follow your favorite Anime, meet new people who love Anime like you, give your opinion on each chapter, find out the latest news in the world of Anime. Manage the episodes you've seen and follow your favourites.
Main features:
-List of anime series, movies and OVAs.
-Anime series updated at the time of release and list of all episodes.
-Within the anime information you can find the list of characters with the actors who do their dubbing in their original language, the studio that animates them, relevant news and others.
-Subtitles in Spanish.
-Advanced search engine of different criteria: Anime, episodes, blog, characters, actors and studies.
COMING SOON: We will have our online store ready with fantastic anime and video game products, wait for it!! Also, you could get FREE products from the store!!
We have information on the most popular titles:
-Boku No Hero
-Kimetsu no Yaiba
-Fate/Stay Night
-Slime Taoshite 300-nen, Shiranai Uchi neither Level Max nor Nattemashita
-Dragon Ball Heroes
-Kumo Desu ga, Nani ka?
-Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibouken
-Tokyo Revengers
-Zombieland Saga: Revenge
And many more titles.
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