Umrah - a noun from the pilgrimage - which in the language of the intent and visit. In terms of legal terminology, Umrah is a visit to the Grand Mosque in Mecca to perform special rituals, such as circumambulation, saa’i and shaving.
When deciding to perform ‘Umrah in the House of God, it is obligatory for the Muslim to enter ihraam from the meeqat, which is the place where it is not permissible for a person to go to Makkah to pass except in a state of ihram. Shortly before reaching puberty, the Muslim wears the Ihram clothes, which is a white dress or robe that is pure and unstitched. As for the woman, she is forbidden in her normal clothes. Then the Muslim intends to perform Umrah in his heart and it is okay to utter it and say: Grand Mosque in Mecca.