App for the families of pupils in nursery schools using the Digital Agenda Infantil My Nursery Manager.
Communication between school and parents.
To use the application, you'll need an email and password. Should a student be familiar, the data you send the mail center. Should be director of a center, you must register here:
Digital Agenda:
* Sending reports to families that can be notified via email. Reports can be daily, with the following optional sections: Breakfast, siestas, depositions, lunch, snack, comment, need.
* Sending video and photo albums families, with optional notification via email. (The warning applies if a student does not allow you to take pictures, the data have been entered in the record of the student)
* Publish dining menu so they can consult parents and teachers.
* Chat father-center. Parents can send messages to the center and the center answer them in a chat-style view.
Why My Nursery Manager?
- Because it's much more than a digital diary, allowing center management and communication with families on the same platform
- Because they can share photo albums with families very easily
- Because it saves time and material
- Because if you have a database of your nursery in Excel or some other platform we take care of us migrate
- Because it does not crash
- And because hooked! No center has been subscribed to the application again without it.
The ultimate application for your Child Education Center