IRRIGATION BERRY is a free public App, offered by the Andalusian Agricultural and Fisheries Research and Training Institute (IFAPA), which provides a comfortable and intuitive interface to consult the irrigation recommendations for strawberry, raspberry and blueberry crops in the provinces of Cádiz, Huelva and Seville.
The irrigation strategy is aimed at obtaining maximum production by optimizing water consumption, so that the crop does NOT suffer from water stress.
How do I access RIEGO BERRY?
Access is done by email and a password decided by the user. In this way, the user can recover the data of their plots stored in RIEGO BERRY if they have problems with their Smartphone (due to breakage, loss or theft), change their terminal or want to access it from another Smartphone.
What are the main features/utilities of RIEGO BERRY?
- The irrigation recommendations are based on experimental work carried out since 2011 on producer farms in the province of Huelva, which supports the use of this methodology under commercial production conditions.
- The irrigation recommendations are offered for a specific plot based on the data entered by the user. These data are: name, municipality in which it is located, type and system of cultivation, date of planting and/or pruning, and basic characteristics of the irrigation system.
- Once the parcel is created, it is classified as ACTIVE and must remain so until the end of the campaign. Once it is finished, the user must expressly indicate it and the plot will go to the FINISHED status.
- During the time that the plot remains ACTIVE you can consult:
1.- Daily irrigation recommendation for the coming week (minutes/day), calculated from a water balance in the soil and the weather forecast from the AEMET (State Meteorological Agency).
2.- Average daily watering weekly recommendation (minutes/day), calculated as the average of the watering recommendations for the seven days of the coming week.
3.-Daily forecast of the reference evapotranspiration (ETo), daily gross irrigation and daily irrigation time for clear sky conditions.
The watering recommendation is updated daily, allowing watering to be scheduled on a daily and weekly horizon. The clear sky irrigation recommendation allows the user to make irrigation decisions in the event of a change in weather conditions in relation to the AEMET forecast, ensuring that your crop does not suffer from water stress.
- When the plot is in the FINISHED state, RIEGO BERRY offers graphic and numerical information on the efficiency and productivity indicators of irrigation water. These indicators are calculated based on the irrigation recommended by RIEGO BERRY and the irrigation and plot production entered by the user.