Your task is to remove all the balls, but not to let the balls reach the end. This game is one of the best marble games, mysterious treasures in every adventure! These marble puzzle games are very easy to play, but they are so interesting that they drag you in.
Complete all levels in test mode and try to get three stars on each of the levels.
Now try your Marble Puzzle adventure game skills!
How to play:
- Tap the screen to release balls
- Hit the ball with a total of 3 or more to eliminate the marble
- Click on the hero to change balls
- Make combos to create a chain reaction and get a higher score
Sizning vazifangiz barcha to'plarni olib tashlashdir, lekin to'plarni oxirigacha etkazmaslik. Ushbu o'yin eng yaxshi marmar o'yinlardan biri, har bir sarguzashtdagi sirli xazinalar! Ushbu marmar jumboq o'yinlarini o'ynash juda oson, ammo ular shu qadar qiziqarliki, ular sizni sudrab boradilar.
Barcha darajalarni sinov rejimida yakunlang va har bir darajada uchta yulduzni olishga harakat qiling.
Endi marmar jumboq sarguzasht o'yin qobiliyatlarini sinab ko'ring!
Qanday o'ynash kerak:
- To'plarni chiqarish uchun ekranga teging
- Marmarni yo'q qilish uchun to'pni 3 yoki undan ko'prog'iga uring
- To'plarni o'zgartirish uchun qahramonni bosing
- Zanjir reaktsiyasini yaratish va yuqori ball olish uchun kombinatsiyalar qiling