set this water flower wallpaper as your personalization to decorate your phone.
purchase and get this water lily wallpaper from our store page. you can also get other live wallpaper in case you don’t find this lwp for you.
we have this pink lotus wallpaper for you. do not forget, we had a vast lwp collection for your smart phone so, check the breathtaking image for your smartphone background, and you will fall in love with your mobile phone again because of water pond wallpaper.
in this video wallpaper you can see the subtle animation of lotus flower wallpaper. you can see this floating water lily in a pond. this giving a sensation of having real zen on your phone. indeed a very amazing pink floral wallpaper.
most people will agree on something, water lilies are simply beautiful and special. they are beautiful because of the shape of the flower, its petals and even their lily pads. and they are special because they can grow in bad soil. bring your phone to life with this spiritual wallpaper.
there are many types of water lilies and they all prefer to live in ponds, or aquariums and they have been the subject of many works of art throughout the world. witness this meditation wallpaper.
water lilies are a type of flower that can be found in water, therefore they often have a symbolic meaning of essence and birth, which it also means, ultimately the circle of life we all have. go get this zen garden wallpaper.
water lilies are so special is because of how and where they grow. did you know that this flower can put itself under the water and then transforms itself into a fruit while being submerged. spice up your phone with this beautiful flower garden wallpaper.
buddhist think water lilies represent enlightenment. especially pink lily which represent knowledge. this is indeed one of the best buddhist wallpaper.
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- lotus pond wallpaper for your phone.
- includes video live wallpaper.
- 1080p motion background compatible with 99% mobile devices.
- animated background.
- optimize for 18:9 dimension.