Fish Battle Merge

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The any call is "Merge: Fish Battle"
What makes a fish warrior?
Strange Fish Are Forming Battles Under The Blue Ocean
What makes up these strange fish. It is the anger of the fish when the ocean is full of garbage, which has transformed the cute fish into fish warriors to clean up the garbage.
The game rules are very simple
Choose the fish warriors you want to fight for you
Cooperate warriors return to get more powerful fish warriors
Lead the warrior fish to form a big fish battle, fight the ocean garbage enemy
Treasure collected after wiping out the ocean garbage
Recruit new warrior fish, create more powerful army fish
Perfect game for all ages, everyone can enjoy "Fish Battle Merge"
Which warrior fish will you fight with today? try this strange "Merge: Fish Battle"
If you are looking for a fighting game that gives something really new happening, meaning to life and unusual to the combination, fast and frantic but also fun, unpredictable and fun but also cute, "Merge: Fish Battle" could be the one you've been waiting for. Download "Merge: Fish Battle" now, throw everything and plunge into battle for hours of frantic action and adventure.
5. juuli 2024

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