Rakendusesisesed ostud
26 arvustust
1 tuh+
Sisu reiting

Rakenduse teave

Welcome to ASMR, the ultimate destination for all your auditory needs. Immerse yourself in a world of tranquility and serenity as you explore the power of ASMR through the art of sound. Whether you're a creator or a consumer of calming sounds, ASMR has something special for you.

1. Create and Share Your Blissful Whispers
- Unleash your inner artist by recording your own ASMR content.
- Share your whispering talents with a global audience of ASMR enthusiasts.
- Let your creativity shine.

2. Discover a World of Relaxation
- Dive into a diverse library of ASMR recordings from talented creators worldwide.
- Explore a wide range of calming sounds, from nature-inspired whispers to tingle-inducing triggers.
- Find the perfect ASMR experience to help you unwind and de-stress.

3. Connect with a Supportive Community
- Join a welcoming and supportive global ASMR community.
- Engage with fellow enthusiasts, share tips, and connect with like-minded individuals.
- Exchange feedback and appreciation for the ASMR content you love.

4. Safe and Secure Earnings
- Monetize your ASMR talent by receiving direct message requests from appreciative listeners.
- Easily cash out your earnings to your secure PayPal account.
- Transform your passion into income and take control of your ASMR journey.

Discover the enchanting world of ASMR and experience the ultimate relaxation like never before. Join our community of whisperers and listeners today and embark on a journey of tranquility and bliss. Download the app now and let the whispers wash over you.

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25. sept 2023

Andmete ohutus

Ohutus algab sellest, et mõistaksite, kuidas arendajad teie andmeid koguvad ja jagavad. Andmete privaatsuse ja turvalisuse tavad võivad olenevalt kasutamisest, piirkonnast ja vanusest erineda. Selle teabe esitas arendaja ja seda võidakse aja jooksul värskendada.
Kolmandate osapooltega ei jagata andmeid
Lisateave selle kohta, kuidas arendajad andmete jagamisest teada annavad
See rakendus võib koguda neid andmetüüpe
Isikuandmed, Sõnumid ja Heli
Andmed on edastamisel krüpteeritud
Saate taotleda nende andmete kustutamist

Hinnangud ja arvustused

26 arvustust

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Make it easier to find new buyers and sellers, for the love of ASMR audio!