単語帳(Tango Chou)

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Learn in random mode. Tango Chou (単語帳) is a vocabulary trainer based on boxes and decks with Flipbooks animation. Learn Japanese Language quick and easily. Insert vocabularies to your Flipbooks and once you have inserted your word packages; Tango Chou provides you with short 10 questions quiz sets. You can see your quiz results. Also can learn Japanese easily and you can always check your vocabulary and compare your progress on your own. Words that you have trouble learning will not be discarded, but rather will be kept and asked on the later exams.

-------How to's --------

# As this is a word memory book app,you can save words that you want to memorize, you get 1 book at the beginning and then you can add up to 4 books more.

# On each book you add words, tap the menu button on the bottom left corner you will get add icons,you tap add button and you will be presented with a screen where you can add a japanese word and an english word which is the meaning of that japanese word.you add up as much you want.

#After you add words you can come back to the book page from menu and flip through your words on the book you added.words will be added to the current selected books.

#There is also an option in the menu that will take you to Quiz page. where you will be presented with a set of multiple choice questions based on your added words.if you have more than 10 words added you can take a quiz and test your progress with the memorizing.
Azken eguneratzea
2014(e)ko urr. 16(a)

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