58 iritzi
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Aplikazio honi buruz

The Cloudli app brings together the best of virtual voice with business texting to create an all-in-one solution that makes it easier for SMBs to manage communications with customers and clients, allows for a better customer experience, and enables you to run your business from virtually anywhere with a WiFi or data connection.* The Cloudli app requires an active Cloudli TalkNText or Business Phone subscription.

Backed by enterprise-grade reliability, Cloudli offers flexible and dynamic mobile-focused business phone capabilities: place and receive calls, converse with co-workers and customers via text, share numbers with your team to keep everyone in the loop, set up text message auto-replies and automated attendants and more.

Cloudli delivers features your whole team will benefit from:
• Text-enabled Business Landline: send & receive texts from your main business or office number
• Business Calling & Texting: use the TalkNText app on your mobile device to keep personal communications separate from business
• Dedicated local business phone number: use it for calling & texting or port your number to Cloudli
• User-friendly TalkNText Apps: Text your customers via our mobile and desktop apps
• Shared Business Phone Numbers: have members from your team answer client calls and texts
• Unified Conversation View: unify texts and calls in a view accessible from both your mobile and desktop app
• Auto-Replies: schedule automatic text replies when you and your team are too busy or unavailable.
Note that not all features are available with all plans; email us at teamcloudli@cloudli.com to learn more about the different plans and service options.
*The Cloudli app requires an active Cloudli TalkNText or Business Phone subscription and uses your phone’s Internet connection (5G/4G/3G/2G/EDGE or WiFi, as available). Data charges may apply. Contact your provider for details.
Azken eguneratzea
2023(e)ko urt. 9(a)

Datuen babesa

Seguru egoteko, funtsezkoa da jakitea garatzaileek nola biltzen eta partekatzen dituzten zuri buruzko datuak. Baliteke datuen pribatutasunaren eta segurtasunaren inguruko jardunbideak aplikazioaren erabileraren, lurraldearen eta adinaren araberakoak izatea. Informazio hori garatzaileak eman du, eta baliteke aurrerago eguneratzea.
Ez da daturik partekatzen hirugarrenekin
Lortu informazio gehiago garatzaileek partekatutako datuak aitortzeko duten moduari buruz
Baliteke aplikazioak datu mota hauek biltzea:
Informazio pertsonala, Finantzei buruzko informazioa eta beste 5
Datuak bidaltze-prozesuan enkriptatzen dira
Datuak ezabatzeko eska dezakezu

Balorazioak eta iritziak

58 iritzi


- Stability and reliability improvements.

Aplikazioaren laguntza-zerbitzua