English listening Practice

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Listening to Daily English - Introducing a free app for listening and shadowing!

Listening is the most important and challenging part of learning English. Experts say it requires more than 1,000 hours of careful listening. Even if you listen to it for 1 hour a day, it will take 3 years. The Daily English Listening app provides various functions to help users learn effectively

👂 Provides a huge amount of English conversation sentences: We provide a variety of English sentences that you will not be able to hear them all even if you listen to them for 3 years.

🎙️ Adjustable English pronunciation speed: You can adjust the English pronunciation speed to fast or slow, allowing for detailed learning.

📚 Sentence classification tailored to the learner’s level: Provides a variety of learning sentences classified according to the learner’s level.

🧩 Learn sentence completion by matching words: Train your brain without getting bored by matching words.

📝 Provides 5,000 Oxford English words: You can learn 5,000 Oxford English words.

🔄 Infinite repeated listening practice player: Repeated learning is possible by providing a convenient player such as forward, backward, and continuous listening to one sentence.

🗣️ Automatic speaking speed adjustment: Automatically adjusts the speaking speed slowly or quickly to listen naturally.

🌐 Translation link in 134 languages: Translation link is available in 134 languages.

📶 Offline learning possible without internet: Learning is possible without an internet connection, and all functions other than the translation link function can be used.

🌙 Supports background playback: You can learn as if listening to music in the background, and can listen to it infinitely while driving or sleeping.

🆓 100% Free App: All features are available for free without any additional costs.
Azken eguneratzea
2024(e)ko eka. 12(a)

Datuen babesa

Seguru egoteko, funtsezkoa da jakitea garatzaileek nola biltzen eta partekatzen dituzten zuri buruzko datuak. Baliteke datuen pribatutasunaren eta segurtasunaren inguruko jardunbideak aplikazioaren erabileraren, lurraldearen eta adinaren araberakoak izatea. Informazio hori garatzaileak eman du, eta baliteke aurrerago eguneratzea.
Baliteke aplikazioak datu mota hauek partekatzea hirugarrenekin:
Aplikazioei buruzko informazioa eta haien errendimendua eta Gailuaren identifikatzaileak edo bestelakoak
Ez da daturik biltzen
Lortu informazio gehiago garatzaileek bildutako datuak aitortzeko duten moduari buruz
Datuak bidaltze-prozesuan enkriptatzen dira
Datuak ezin dira ezabatu


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