Tingus Goose - Weird Idle Game

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16.200 iritzi
Edukiaren sailkapena
10 urtetik gorakoentzat

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In Tingus Goose - Weird Idle Game, you will dive into a world of duck life wonders and embark on an extraordinary adventure unlike any other clicker games and idle games. With its unique concept and incremental gameplay, this is a must-play for fans of clickers and tap games.

As you start your journey, you will encounter a variety of strange and fascinating ducks and goose. From the classic duck to the iconic duck duck goose, every type of waterfowl is represented in this game. You will even come across the legendary goose chase event, where you can witness the sheer chaos and silliness of geese in action.

An important aspect of the game is the concept of goose evolution. Through careful nurturing and upgrading, your geese will evolve into magnificent and odd goose trees. These majestic creatures will astonish you with their peculiar appearance and impressive abilities.

To ensure the growth and well-being of your goose, you must tend to their needs. Water them regularly, feed them delicious treats, and interact with them to create a bond like no other. As you progress, unexpected and delightful surprises await you, making the experience truly bizarre and unpredictable.

The art and animation in Tingus Goose - Weird Idle Game are a true masterpiece. Created by the renowned surreal artist, Master Tingus, the visuals are surreal, vibrant, and full of life. Each scene is meticulously designed to immerse you in this whimsical world, with every tree boasting its own unique and mesmerizing characteristics.

This idle clicker game also lets you engage with your friends. Show off your bizarre and flourishing ecosystem by sharing your duck life progress and achievements. Compare your unique goose trees and compete for the title of the most peculiar garden.

One of the unique features of this game is its accessibility. Being a mobile goose game, you can enjoy it wherever you go, regardless of an internet connection. You can continue growing and evolving your goose even when offline, ensuring that your bizarre ecosystem thrives even when you're not actively tapping away.

Tingus Goose - Weird Idle Game brings together all elements of idle games, incremental games, and clicker games with upgrades. It combines them with the humor and quirkiness of the critically acclaimed Tingus Goose Game, resulting in a truly weird and entertaining experience.

So, if you're looking for a clicker game that offers more than just mindless tapping and idle gameplay, Tingus Goose - Weird Idle Game is the perfect choice. Dive into this bizarre world of goose, ducks, and goose trees, and discover the endless wonders that await you. Get ready to be enchanted by the strange and unconventional, and watch your very own bizarre ecosystem flourish before your eyes.
Azken eguneratzea
2024(e)ko urr. 1(a)

Datuen babesa

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Balorazioak eta iritziak

15.500 iritzi


- Bug fixes
- Technical improvements