SIJANGN - General Merchandise

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wholesale site, SIJANGN, which is able to browse various merchandises from Namdaemoon and Dongdaemoon traditional markets. You can directly purchase the goods with wholesale price

Without visiting the market physically, you can choose favorite products via ‘SIJANGN’ site and buy the products with wholesale price, and also you can have a glance what goods are displayed through ‘SIJANGN’ site

‘SIJANGN’ platform is able to check the market trends and new products and to purchase the goods conveniently and quickly anywhere, at any time. ‘SIJANGN’ is a unique non-face-to-face transaction service which can save traditional market and also help the customers with convenient services.

▶In case of Namdaemoon products, you can check new product at the earliest before anyone eles.
▶Easy and Quick shopping.

For more information about ‘SIJANGN’




Customer service

Kakao Talk communication

Operation time
9AM to 6PM (Lunch break 12PM to 1PM)

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- Namdaemun, namdaemun, Dongdaemun, dongdaemun, Namdaemun Market, Dongdaemun Market Check and install the words carefully.
- Wholesale, Wholesale market, Market Wholesale, Traditional market, Wholesale price, Accessories, General merchandise, beauty contains everything about it.
Azken eguneratzea
2022(e)ko ots. 9(a)

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2022년 02월 09일에 출시됨