Wiki Bedtime Stories

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The app gives bedtime stories to kids. This AI-based app is designed to solve a specific problem for parents. Most parents love to tell stories to their kids every night /every time they get an opportunity. But find it difficult to get quality stories.

We have stories from different categories like - Hindu mythology (Ramayana, Mahabharata, Puranas), Greek mythology, Korean mythology, Christian mythology, Egyptian mythology, Panchatantra, Moral stories, Fairy tales, Akbar Birbal tales, Chinese tales, Korean tales, Vikram Bethal tales, Islamic folklore, Marathi folktales, Tamil folktales, and many others.

The stories are also available in audio format, users can listen to stories in a seamless way. The stories are narrated by professional narrators. No more computer audio! Sleep stories with audio are available.

How we get Stories:
As mentioned in contribute tab, we request stories from parents, especially grandparents across the globe from all cultures regardless of their religious beliefs. We simply moderate, compile, edit stories and publish those under their name as Author.

Main Features:
Read 300+ stories from 25+ categories.
Listen to stories narrated by professional narrators.
Simple app with clear features.
Focus on the quality of the Stories.
Wiki model where users contribute.
We moderate stories and improve the AI model.

Currently, the app is completely free. In the future, the app will be offered in a freemium model.

If you have any queries or feedback please reach out to us via mail at
Azken eguneratzea
2024(e)ko uzt. 3(a)

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