Big Font Size - Big Text Size

آگهی داردخریدهای درون برنامه‌ای
+۱۰ هزار
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درباره این برنامه

Big Font Size - Big Text Size allows users to big font size

big font size is particularly useful for seniors or who have difficulty reading small text on their phone.

With font size app, users can enjoy a more accessible and stress-free mobile experience, whether they're emailing, browsing the web, or using any other app on their phone.

🏆 Key Features Big Font Size - Big Text Size:
✅ big text: With this feature, you can read news, browse the web with customizable larger font size, shortcuts, history and tab managers right in the Big Font Size - Big Text Size
✅ large font: Choose from a variety of font sizes to make it easier to read text on your phone.
✅ Easy to use & totally Free: Simply download Big Font Size - Big Text Size and adjust the big font size to your liking.
✅ Improve accessibility: big text can help people with visual impairments or dexterity issues use their phone more comfortably.
If you find it difficult to read small text on your phone, big font size is the perfect solution for you. Download Big Font Size - Big Text Size today and start enjoying a more comfortable and easy-to-use phone experience.

🏆 How to use Big Font Size - Big Text Size
✅: Open larger font size
✅: Look through preview big font size for selection.
✅: Choose big text by pushing the button "Apply"
✅: Now you have found the suitable big font size

big text quickly and easily now. Read news with big font size and enjoy your mobile experience.

If you have trouble reading small text on your phone, no need to worry. big text is the perfect solution for you. Download app Big Font Size - Big Text Size now and experience a more comfortable and easy-to-use phone experience.
تاریخ به‌روزرسانی
۲۵ خرداد ۱۴۰۳

ایمنی داده

ایمنی با درک اینکه توسعه‌دهندگان چگونه داده‌های شما را جمع‌آوری و هم‌رسانی می‌کنند شروع می‌شود. شیوه‌های حفظ امنیت و حریم خصوصی داده‌ها ممکن است براساس استفاده، منطقه، و سن شما متفاوت باشد. توسعه‌دهنده این اطلاعات را ارائه کرده است و ممکن است آن را درطول زمان به‌روزرسانی کند.
این برنامه ممکن است این نوع داده‌ها را با اشخاص ثالث هم‌رسانی کند
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نمی‌توان داده‌ها را حذف کرد