Zombie Shooter: Offline Game

آگهی داردخریدهای درون برنامه‌ای
۴۴۸ مرور
+۱۰۰ هزار
رده‌بندی محتوا
بزرگسال ۱۷ سال به بالا

درباره این بازی

Zombie Shooter: Offline Game is centered on Year 2050 zombie revolution, the planet get's full with zombies. Hundreds of Billion's of dead zombie are nonstop destroying the planet and turning it into a zombie age planet. The deadly zombie warfare virus is spreading horror starting zombie wars with zombie shooters. A zombie virus apocalypse that everyone who isn't dead needs to fight zombie battle to become a zombie shooter. A realm of zombies can reach anytime for zombie shooter. Maybe this will be the last day for the human race and start of dead zombie shooter era.

A breed of zombie shooting survivors trying to find other living things adventuring the planet to gather snipers, rifles, weapons and more zombie shooter to kill zombies. Zombie horde is the target destination for this long zombie survival journey.

Zombie apocalypse starts with zombie assault, zombie shooters are trapped in the zombie town by hordes of zombies. In this dead horror zombie ultimate shooting war night, zombie shooters have to shoot zombies with many guns and zombie warfare thus revealing a secret of the zombie virus apocalypse which makes zombie survivors stronger and close to their target. The real zombie sniper shooter horror journey begins.

Billions of horror zombie shooters are finding guns and building teams for amazing zombie gun games making it a fun zombie shooting offline game.

It's an amazing zombie shooter survival offline horror game with amazing features:
- Free offline zombie shooting game with many guns to battle in zombie gun games
- Zombie shooter with survival zombie theme with zombie shooter offline game
- Zombie shooter offline game with true zombie evolution battle simulations.
- Defend the world from horror zombie infection and shoot zombie horde with other zombie survivors.
- Save other zombie shooters in survival zombie battle and find new zombie snipers.
- Dangerous zombie lord boss battles in an intense zombie shooter offline game.

- Real zombies, snipers, AK-47, rifles and guns for amazing zombie shooter experience in zombie night terror.
- Survival zombie outbreak strategies with more zombie shooter offline game.
- Different zombie battle 3d behaviors and abilities for an amazing experience of zombie sniper shooters.

- Keep your focus on the deadly trigger, shoot zombies as fast as you can and win the battle.
- Become a zombie shooter by saving others from becoming zombies.
- FPS Offline Game with a horror zombie theme and skills of different zombie escape shooters.
- New zombie assault are always there for you to hunt in this zombie hunter offline shooting game.
- Select special zombie gun to shoot zombie evolution in this epic zombie shooting game.

- Shoot zombies in FPS mode and adventure in dead zombie shooter horror lands to find sniper and zombie shooter survivors in this zombie sniper game.
- Many horror dead zombie target places with amazing new challenges and zombies in zombie shooting game.
- Be an epic zombie shooter and hunt zombies with different zombie shooting ways.
- Zombie hunters need to fight intense zombie shooting battles for their survival in zombie gun games.

Shoot zombies, become zombie killer, earn zombie rewards, and join the other zombie shooter survivors in this open-world addictive zombie shooting offline game!

Let's download this offline zombie shooter game and fight amazing zombie battles!
تاریخ به‌روزرسانی
۳۱ تیر ۱۴۰۳

ایمنی داده

ایمنی با درک اینکه توسعه‌دهندگان چگونه داده‌های شما را جمع‌آوری و هم‌رسانی می‌کنند شروع می‌شود. شیوه‌های حفظ امنیت و حریم خصوصی داده‌ها ممکن است براساس استفاده، منطقه، و سن شما متفاوت باشد. توسعه‌دهنده این اطلاعات را ارائه کرده است و ممکن است آن را درطول زمان به‌روزرسانی کند.
این برنامه ممکن است این نوع داده‌ها را با اشخاص ثالث هم‌رسانی کند
مکان، فعالیت‌ها در برنامه، و 2 مورد دیگر
هیچ داده‌ای جمع‌آوری نمی‌شود
درباره نحوه اعلام جمع‌آوری داده‌ها توسط توسعه‌دهندگان بیشتر بدانید
داده‌ها هنگام جابه‌جایی رمزگذاری می‌شود
نمی‌توان داده‌ها را حذف کرد

رتبه‌بندی‌ها و مرورها

۴۲۱ مرور
Alireza Mokhtari
۱۹ تیر ۱۴۰۲
خیلی خیلی زیاد اگهی داره از صبر تحمل من خارجه..
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مفید بود؟
Modern Zombie Games
۳۱ مرداد ۱۴۰۲
Dear User, your concerns has been forwarded to the team and new zombie shooter offline game features will release soon to address your concerns and to make your zombie shooter gameplay experience more better with us.
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مفید بود؟
Modern Zombie Games
۱ مرداد ۱۴۰۱
Dear User, glad that you liked the Zombie Shooter game also wait for more future updates to enjoy more amazing new zombie game features.

ویژگی‌های جدید

Get fully prepared to unleash mayhem and face off those tough zombies!
▶ Introducing new zombie apocalypse chapter
▶ Exciting new skins for each weapon
▶ Bugs fixes and gameplay improvements