HD Video Player : Media Player

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Tietoa sovelluksesta

Video player app is all about playing videos stored on your device easily, right? So here, XNX Video Player app does just that with ease. You just need to download this app, open it, and it will display all the videos available on your mobile in one screen and also folder-wise so you can easily find the video and play it. You can play any type of video with the help of this app.

This app supports multiple languages so you can use it in your preferred language.

xxvi Video Player App Features:
- Easy to find videos and play.
- Supports subtitles.
- Supports changing audio so you can play videos in your language.
- Easy to rename, share, and delete videos.
- Floating feature available so you can watch videos while doing other tasks.
- You can manage video's speed.
- Shows videos in list and Grid View.
- Music player added in the app.

Status Saver:
In this app, we have added a feature that helps you to download images and video statuses that your friends posted on social media.

Music Player:
This app provides another fantastic feature of a music player so you don't need to download another app to play any song. With this app, you can easily play any song along with videos.

XXVI Video Player:
Play all types of videos in this app like 3GP, MP4, HD, etc.

This app is a multi-feature app so in a single app, you can play videos, play music, and also save statuses.

Thank you for downloading app!


Turvallisuus alkaa siitä, että ymmärrät, miten kehittäjät keräävät ja jakavat dataasi. Datan yksityisyys- ja turvallisuuskäytännöt saattavat vaihdella käytön, alueen ja iän mukaan. Kehittäjä on antanut nämä tiedot ja saattaa päivittää niitä myöhemmin.
Sovellus voi jakaa näitä datatyyppejä kolmansille osapuolille
Sovellusten tiedot ja toiminta ja Laite- tai muut tunnisteet
Dataa ei ole kerätty
Lue, miten kehittäjät ilmoittavat keräämisestä
Dataa ei salata
Dataa ei voi poistaa

Arviot ja arvostelut

2,51 t. arvostelua