Old Telephone Ringtone

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Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla

Acerca desta aplicación

Recorded in high quality by phone~ 'Old Phone Ring Ring Ring' is a 'ring ring app' for those who like retro ringtone!

You can easily set it up by listening to a variety of old phone rings, from Nokia phones to vintage ones, and download it and enjoy it with high-quality old rings

The old ringtone app, which allows you to download retro and vintage emotional ringtone, is for you.

"Ring Ring Ring" from an old phone. Make my phone special

Download thousands of wallpapers

It's a very easy setting, so anyone can easily use it without signing up for membership.

The sound of the old office phone and home phone will help you remember the sensibility of your old memories.
Download the classic phone ringtone to enjoy a variety of high-pitched retro free ringtone and alarm sounds
Make your phone special with the latest old ringtone app and retro phone ringtone
Change your phone with a high-quality retro bell.

'Old phone ringtone' function:
- Set Android phone to ringtone
- Contact Ring by Number
- the sound of a notification
- sms incoming sound
- Easy Settings
- Download ringtone when setting ringtone
- Ringing back function

Retro ringtone from the past and traditional classic ringtone app will bring back memories.
High-pitched Make your phone special with your old phone ringtone, and enjoy the old phone ringtone for free every time it rings.
All sounds used in old ringtone apps are public copyrights / or public domains.
For more information on the sound used in the app, please refer to the app introduction section of the app.

Android is a trademark of Google LLC.
The old ringtone is not related to Google LLC and is not related in any way.

Download the old bell now and keep the old bell forever
Thank you.
Última actualización
20 de xuño de 2024

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Valoracións e recensións

31 recensións