
Clasificación de contido
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla

Acerca desta aplicación

The color wheel is a useful tool for creating harmonious color combinations.

EFColorHelp is an application that delivers a set of tools,
which has several benefits that a beautiful combination of colors can bring to looks,
whether on a special occasion or for your day to day.

The available combinations are:

- Monochromatic color circle
- Analog color circle
- Complementary color circle
- Split complementary color circle
- Double complementary color circle
- Triadic color circle

In addition to the traditional format for viewing these circles, the application allows:

- Adjust the color level
- Display the colors applied in the chosen circle combinations as blocks
- View a specific color range in full screen and control the color level on the screen itself
- View a specific color in full screen, and know its hex code, which
it is very useful for those who want to use the application for other functions, for example a digital designer
- Very detailed help system explaining each part of the application, as well as
how colors are formed in the circle (primary, secondary and tertiary color theory)
- Selection of three languages ​​(English, Portuguese and Spanish)
- Two types of shades (Light and Dark) that are applied in all circles
- Application theme selection (Light or Dark)
- Screen for viewing color combinations on the same page, with color selection and instant visualization of the combination applied to all circles, in addition to allowing you to select a specific circle to analyze it in detail.
Última actualización
19 de ago. de 2023

Seguranza dos datos

A seguranza pasa por entender como recompilan e comparten os teus datos os programadores. As prácticas relacionadas coa seguranza e a privacidade dos datos utilizadas poden variar en función do uso, a rexión e a idade. O programador facilitou esta información e pode modificala co paso do tempo.
Non se comparten datos con terceiros
Máis información sobre como fan os programadores declaracións acerca dos datos que comparten
Non se recompila ningún dato
Máis información sobre como fan os programadores declaracións acerca da recompilación de datos


(17:50) Ajuste de requisitos mínimos