Calculator Pro

382 recensións
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Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla
Imaxe de captura de pantalla

Acerca desta aplicación

Calculator Pro is an easy,accurate and instant scientific calculator.

** Important ** slide the keyboard to access other mathematical functions!
** Important ** This video describes the old version. The new version has all the features and adds others.

It also allows you to solve elaborate expressions, with arbitrary level of operations. Calculation accuracy is its true power which computing up to 100 significant digits.

When you're entering a calculation, you can switch from a function to another function with a simple swype thanks to the interchangeable keyboards. The operations are varied:
- Basic operations
- Exponentiation (also non-integer exponent)
- Square root and generic radicals
- Logarithms (any base)
- Trigonometric functions
- Trigonometric inverse functions
- Hyperbolic functions
- Modulus & factorial

Adjustable between 10 and 100 significant digits, precision allows to solve equations inside different areas. Very helpful for scholastic, scientific or working environment.

Calculated results are being saved on a results history and it also can be memorized as costants, so you can identify a specific value without remembering the exactly number.

This is a beta application then there's a high probability to find bugs or errors. I should therefore be grateful if you all report me by email these possible malfunctions.
Última actualización
27 de ago. de 2013

Seguranza dos datos

A seguranza pasa por entender como recompilan e comparten os teus datos os programadores. As prácticas relacionadas coa seguranza e a privacidade dos datos utilizadas poden variar en función do uso, a rexión e a idade. O programador facilitou esta información e pode modificala co paso do tempo.
Non se comparten datos con terceiros
Máis información sobre como fan os programadores declaracións acerca dos datos que comparten
Non se recompila ningún dato
Máis información sobre como fan os programadores declaracións acerca da recompilación de datos

Valoracións e recensións

336 recensións


- Trigonometric inverse functions bug fix

- Minor bug fixes
- Added new languages: Dutch, Portuguese, German and Japanese

- New user interface style ICS
- Increased space of the keyboard
- Zoom and Pan expressions
- New Landscape mode
- Added the ability to insert the angle in degrees
- Color of the Layout interface changed
- Minor bugs fixed