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מידע על אפליקציה זו

Welcome to WiEvents, the ultimate event creation, discovery, and booking platform that brings the world of events right to your fingertips! Whether you're an event organizer looking to bring your vision to life, or someone eager to discover and book the next unforgettable experience, WiEvents offers you the tools and connections you need. Join our vibrant community and transform the way you interact with events.


Event Creation: Turn your idea into a reality with our easy-to-use event creation tools. Customize your event with images, descriptions, and key details. Set up ticketing, manage bookings, and receive real-time updates on your event's status.

Discover Events: Explore a wide array of events near you or around the globe. From concerts, workshops, and festivals to local classes, networking meetups, and webinars, WiEvents has something for everyone.

Booking & Tickets: Secure your spot in just a few taps. View event details, select your seats, and book your tickets through our secure payment gateway. Your tickets are safely stored in the app for easy access.

Secure & Reliable: WiEvents prioritizes your privacy and security. Enjoy safe transactions and keep your personal information protected.

Embark on your WiEvents journey today by downloading the app! Whether you're looking to create, discover, or book. WiEvents is your go-to platform for all things events. Connect, experience, and celebrate with us. Your next unforgettable event experience begins here.

Contact Us:

We love hearing from our users! If you have any feedback, questions, or concerns, please reach out to us at wieventstt@gmail.com. Follow us on social media to stay updated on the latest features, events, and community stories.

Download WiEvents now and become part of a global community that celebrates life through events!
עדכון אחרון בתאריך
10 ביוני 2024

אבטחת נתונים

כדי לשמור על הבטיחות צריך קודם כל להבין איך המפתחים אוספים ומשתפים את הנתונים שלך. נוהלי פרטיות הנתונים ואבטחת הנתונים עשויים להשתנות בהתאם לשימוש, לאזור ולגיל המשתמש. המפתח סיפק את המידע הזה והוא עשוי לעדכן אותו מדי פעם.
לא מתבצע שיתוף נתונים עם צדדים שלישיים
הנתונים לא מוצפנים
באפשרותך לבקש שנתונים יימחקו

תמיכה באפליקציה

מידע על מפתחי האפליקציה
SLI Technologies Services
1 Corner Picton Street and St. Joseph Street San Juan Trinidad & Tobago
+1 868-332-1779