Iringó Nyíri
- Megjelölés kifogásolhatóként
It's more than brilliant. Thought provoking and heart soothing at the same time, yet remains so realistic as well as out of touch for the player. Well done, it was a pleasure to play with this game, I also feel incredibly honoured to be one of the few who found this app by accident, never made a better choice than downloading. Also, just a reminder: you had NO RIGHT to make me feel so attached to ES and fret over the unpleasant destinies! 🥲
1 személy hasznosnak találta ezt a véleményt.
Tamás Noel Miklós
- Megjelölés kifogásolhatóként
It was beautiful ending and helped me more than I ever thought it would. Well, in the first place I didn't even know I needed this help or I will ever fing it. Thank you very much.
6 személy hasznosnak találta ezt a véleményt.