Alexandra Scary Stories Chat 3

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6,77 E vélemény
100 E+
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10 év felettiek számára ajánlott

Az alkalmazásról

Do scary stories, horror games, mystical creepypasta texting story about Halloween not scare you? Horrible thriller with creepy special effects will cause real fears, addicted and gripped you.
Read "Alexandra 3" - scary chat stories without Internet offline in English. Creepypasta chatting game! A mystical creepy text story will be worse than the horror book after dark. Do you want to scare your friends on Halloween? Tell them about this scary texting stories chat and watch the fear and horror in their eyes!

Do you want to feel gripped and addicted of reading app? Tired of story about momo, llorona, annabelle, vampires, ghosts and other scary games for kids? Read "Alexandra - Scary Chat Stories 3" - a horror game with an unpredictable plot and unique spooky special effects which will addicted you! Do you like texting stories about love and romance? In honor of the upcoming Halloween, we have prepared a surprise. Read and you will understand everything. Creepypasta can addicted and gripped you :-)

Scary stories in the super popular chatting games format are taking to the next level. Thanks to eerie special effects, the player can not only read, but also see, hear and feel the mystical horror of this frightening story. A horror book for the night in English without Internet offline on your phone with an unpredictable plot in the genre of a psychological thriller.

Translated into 15 languages!
The author of the story is the winner of international literary awards, writer Sasha Selyakov

Enjoy reading :-)
Starring dance star from Russia Alisa Dotsenko!

Photos taken during the game are only visible to you. They are removed automatically.
The story is fiction. Any coincidences with reality are accidental.
2023. aug. 30.


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Ez az alkalmazás megoszthatja ezeket az adattípusokat harmadik felekkel
Hely, Személyes adatok és további 4
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Hely, Személyes adatok és további 4
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Értékelések és vélemények

6,1 E vélemény
pro roli
2020. augusztus 2.
Nincs magyar
14 személy hasznosnak találta ezt a véleményt.
Hasznosnak találta?
Sasha Selyakov
2020. augusztus 2.
Szia. Oroszországból származunk, sajnos nem tudunk magyarul. Ha segíthet nekünk a fordításban, kérjük, vegye fel velünk a kapcsolatot e-mailben


Spin-off story 👱 Alexandra 6