Tooth Fairy Horse - Pony Care

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Tentang game ini

Welcome to Tooth Fairy Horse - Ride into this lovely horse game and start to take care of your very own adorable foal! Become the best horse keeper in the magical unicorn and pony farm! Care for and breed your little pony and watch as they grow into beautiful purebreds on the fairy paradise!

Start this pony adventure at the magic ranch by cleaning the animal stable and completing horse care quests in your stable by crafting hay, horseshoes, and other items for your animal to always be ready for a ride. Are you ready to join this fun horse care story game?

Meet our Tooth Fairy Princess, who will be in charge of guiding you in your equestrian adventure from lowly stable hand to dressage and horse racing superstar in this unicorn simulator game. Travel through the horse farm, clean the stables, and take care of the unicorns and the little ponies until you reach a farm with everything you can imagine: A horseback riding academy, princess palace pets, an animal hotel, horse haven, or a pony town with wild unicorn rides.

Clean your cute ponies in the equestrian farm spa, breed the baby unicorn, craft the unicorn princess's hair, or take care of your thoroughbred horse's mane in the star stable.

Join the Tooth Fairy's animal breed academy to learn all about colt manes, hair braiding, the best saddles to ride them in, and the best grooming tips for your horses.
Complete the horseback riding academy and enjoy lots of levels with all kinds of purebred colts like the mare, the stallion Pegasus, or the wild and dark horse. Experience the magic of horseback riding and become a rider in this pony adventure.

Create an amazing look for you and your horse, and clean the horse haven mane like a vet hairdresser in this princess game! Mane care and grooming are essential in raising a baby unicorn, as it represents the purity of the breed! Try on different colors and hairstyles in the pet salon, prepare the ponies' clothes, and don't forget to use some perfume for your little pony and unicorn too! Become a hair designer in this caring animal game for girls!

Complete all the tasks to have the royal carriage ready for the visit. Design and paint princess outfits, and prepare the beautiful royal carriage to ride into the magical fairy island with all kinds of unicorns, flying horses, little ponies, and all kinds of fairy tales animals.

Take care of your horses and make sure you feed, wash, and clean up after them and they will soon grow! Play with your horse and unicorn, take care of a princess horse as an owner of a pony, clean the stable, and do a makeover in this animal care simulator game.

Features of this animal game:
- Unlock new characters like horses, unicorns, and ponies by playing more levels.
- Personalize the name of your favorite pets!
- Dress up and take care of your adorable virtual dream pet.
- Customize your pet pony - exactly as you like!
- Show your best pony look to take the fairy princess carriage!
- Complete all mini pony events in the magical farm islands!
- Take your horse out on the trails and test out her jumping skills!
- Complete the horseback riding academy and finish all the quests in this equestrian beauty adventure!
- Enjoy yourself by painting and start drawing clothes in the design books that are free, which you can find in the beauty salon!
- This pet breeding game offers you a unique game setting with countless opportunities to customize your gaming experience, and it is easy for any age!

Enjoy the best riders and feel like a horseback riding enthusiast on the go with beautiful gameplay and all of the fantastic rainbow features of this lovely horse game!
Diupdate pada
10 Mei 2023

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Rating dan ulasan

40,5 rb ulasan
Mar Yadi
4 September 2020
Assalamu'alaikum hai berjumpa lagi dengan saya nayya aku berhasil sampai level 19 aku tanya kakak gimana caranya ngelewatin ini (tulisan yang ada setelah mau naik level 8) katanya. Pencet iklan aja katanya biar bisa naik ke level 8. Aku nonton iklannya ternyata gak sampai 15 menit. Tapi kok game nya berulang ulang ya cuma pemandangan nya aja yang ganti hutan,pantai, salju. Oke segitu dulu aku cerita. tolong jangan berulang ulang game nya oke dahhh.... 😊🙏🙏
443 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
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Lab Cave Games
22 Juli 2020
Halo Mar, kami memahami bahwa saat ini Anda tidak menyukai game ini. Tetap bersama kami untuk update di waktu mendatang, yang akan memberi Anda dengan pengalaman game yang lebih baik. Terima kasih.
Pancake honey
20 April 2021
Gamenya bagusss banget suka deh sama gamenya bisa rawat kuda hiasnya tetapi lemotnya sedikit di kurangkan yah agar lebih bagus!! Yang mau download tapi ragu buruan aja download nggak usah ragu deh nyesel nggak Download ayo download!!!!😍😍😘😘😊🤗🤗
410 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
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Lab Cave Games
20 April 2021
Terima kasih atas peringkat sempurna yang Anda berikan Boba. Kami sangat senang karena Anda menyukai game ini. Kami juga akan berusaha mengedepankan kepentingan Anda dalam pembaruan mendatang.
novita mkk
2 Desember 2020
aku suka game ini tapi kan katanya pake bahasa indonesia tapi kok malah inggris apa lagi gak bisa ke level 2 (dua) aku pencet iklan berulang kali tapi ga kebuka maka karna itu aku kasi bintang 3 (tiga) ya itu penjelasan saya terima kasih asalam mualaikum
111 orang merasa ulasan ini berguna
Apakah konten ini berguna bagi Anda?
Lab Cave Games
2 Desember 2020
Halo novita, terima kasih atas masukan yang Anda berikan. Kami sangat mengapresiasi komentar dari para pemain untuk menyempurnakan game kami.

Yang baru

- Pengalaman pengguna yang ditingkatkan - Tutorial baru
- Keseimbangan ekonomi